Google is in talks with Indian telecom giant Vodafone Idea for a 5% stake in the company. The valuation or the direct investment numbers haven't been revealed yet and when asked Google and Vodafone both have declined to comment on this. Why Vodafone-Idea need money? In late last October, the Supreme Court of India gave it's ruling on a decade-old adjusted gross revenues( AGR ) case where the supreme court asked Vodafone to pay Rs. 28,300 crore (expected to be 53,000 crores) in dues and interests to the Indian Government. Out of the huge amount Vodafone-Idea has already paid Rs. 6,854 crores which are the principal amount, it needed to pay as of March 6, 2020. Some respite came to the company where they got Rs. 733 crore tax relief. Also, the tariff hikes late last year has helped the company to survive so far. Vodafone India's parent company ( Vodafone Group plc ) with a 45% stake has been looking for investors as they don't want to put any more mo...
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